
Cress Creek Trail

Being pregnant can be rough! I’ve been so lucky. I haven’t had much sickness, swelling, or other problems. I think the hardest part for me has been the sheer exhaustion! It is overwhelming. I counted down the weeks now until I am due, and oh my goodness my pregnancy has gone by so fast. I am excited, nervous, scared, and happy to welcome our new little baby into the world and our family. It is such a wonderful time of my life. I also could not be more grateful that I am due in mid-July and not at the end of summer. I don’t have to trudge through all of those hot months. I’m already struggling with the heat and have started hearing the comments about how my office feels like a meat cooler.

I love the summer. I can feel the opportunities and adventure in the evening air, the smell of the grass, and the taste of my tiger’s blood snow cone. The feel of cool water on your skin on those hot summer days and the late night campfire roasts add a little magic to the season. This year my activities are a little more limited, being pregnant and all, but that is not going to stop my husband and me from trying to get out and enjoy some Idaho! Did I mention I also love Idaho? It is a great place to live.

My husband and I decided to take a short hike a few weekends ago and we happened upon an awesome family friendly trail. It is called Cress Creek Trail and is just outside of Ririe, Idaho. It is near Heise and Kelly Canyon Ski Resort. This trail was perfect for this pregnant lady! It was probably a little over a mile long, and for most of the trail it is paved. The trail makes a loop and crosses a creek. There are plenty of benches and picnic tables for resting breaks and it offers a beautiful view of the valley below. 20170603_152338This would be a great place for families with small children because for most of the trail it is stroller accessible. The creek was beautiful and I would recommend completing the full loop because there are more overlooks and pretty scenery along this part of the trail as well. We went during the early afternoon (hottest part of the day). Not the smartest thing we’ve ever done because it was pretty hot and I needed a lot more breaks and water to stay cool. I would definitely recommend going in the morning or a little later in the afternoon.

This hike was just what my husband and I needed. It was great to get out of our apartment and get outdoors. Doing something I could still participate in and he could still enjoy was what made Cress Creek Trail a great option for us.

Difficulty level: Easy      Fun level: 100%

And what better way to finish off an Idaho Saturday than with a fun night filled with friends and Crazy Eights! This was my first time going to a Crazy Eights event and it was a lot of fun. The easiest way to describe it was a demolition derby on a small eight shaped race track. It was so much fun… Did I mention how much I love Idaho?

Happy Summer Adventures!



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